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Selectmen's Minutes - July 28, 1992
July 28, 1992                   Present:        James Haggerty
                                                        Judith Murdoch
                                                        Robert Crowley
                                                        Robert Andrews
                                                        Joseph Frisoli

Notice read by Chairman re Darefest - Committee in need of volunteers for two event over the next couple of months - first, Lions' Carnival in which two booths will be set up on August 5, 6, 7 and 8th.  Volunteers are needed to help run the games.  On September 5 from 12 to 7 p.m. at the Hanson A.A. there will be a joint fund raiser by the Whitman-Hanson DARE committee.  Volunteers are needed to assist throughout the day monitoring such events as softball, horseshoes, bowling, etc.  Also noted that for four Saturdays in September Shaws is donating the receipts from the bottle deposit drop as well as making a lump sum donation to the DARE program.  Volunteers are needed to serve four hour shifts.  People should contact Judy MacLaren or the Police Chief.

Selectman Crowley made a pledge regarding a loss of weight for DARE and the kids.  He presented the Board with petitions and asked that people sign off and pledging a certain amount of money for each pound lost.  His goal is to raise $5,000 for the DARE program.  

Carolyn McKeon of NET, Regional Director of Public Affairs, came before the Board to address two concerns raised by the Board.  She was asked by Selectman Frisoli why there was a difference in rates as well as service in different sections of Town, specifically the section that have 447 exchange.  It was noted that the Town has four exchanges, 447, 293, 294 and 826.  Three of which are routed through the Bryantville Office and one routed through the Rockland Office.  The policy decisions by the phone co. throughout the past decade or more have resulted in certain areas having certain benefits and services that others do not receive.  It was explained that as rates are adjusted on somewhat of a sliding scale concerning services and toll charges that the billing should even itself out within the next 3 to 5 years.  Mr. Frisoli asked if there were any solution to the service issue and Ms. McKeon stated that there really wasn't.

Mr. Nugent explained the Town's concerns re the double poles.  He stated in speaking with the Highway Surveyor Mr. Harris had expressed concerns that the number of double poles was again rising and with the construction of route 58 he hoped the policy of double poles would not take place at all.  Ms. McKeon responded by stating that up until two years ago the telephone company contracted ut pole removal, however since it has come in house through union negotiations the crews have not been available to address the double pole situation in a timely fashion.  Mr. Nugent indicated that he had spoken with an engineer re the Route 58 project to specifically address that issue.  Ms. McKeon stated that that was Mr. Burns that the phone company was indeed looking to cooperate and work to eliminate the double poles on Rte. 58.  Also over the course of the next six months, that they would work to shorten the list and that she would contact Dick Harris within the next week or so in an effort to deal with those poles he feels are in a priority location.

Thomas Mill Committee made a presentation seeking support for the installation of a herring run fish ladder at the Thomas Mill site.  Thomas Mill Committee member, David Clemons, gave a history of the herring run and use of herring to the Board.  Noreen O'Toole stated she had been working with the Herring Run Committee and engineer John Delano.  He indicated he had put together some renderings in volunteering his time to assist the Thomas Mill Committee with its proposed venture.  Ms. O'Toole mentioned that the State agencies and their representatives had met at the site, looked at the alternatives, and were in support of the Town's efforts.  The Board of Selectmen as the Executive branch of the Town needed to sponsor the application to the Conservation Commission on behalf of the Thomas Mill Committee in order to proceed.  Motion by Murdoch, 2nd Andrews to support the planning and development of the Herring Run Fish Ladder for the Thomas Mill site.  5-0 vote.

The Board then opened public hearing and Chairman read hearing notice regarding the Town's application for a Small Cities Grant.  Ms. O'Toole read excerpts from the grant and informed the Board that the Town was seeking 800,000 dollars to construct, renovate and provide new water services in the Monponsett area of Town.  The public hearing was closed at 8:40 p.m.

The Chairman read a recommendation from the Town Clerk re polling hours for the State primary to be held on September 15, 1992.  Clerk recommends polling hours of 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. indicating that they have to be no less then 13 hours in length.  Motion by Andrews, 2nd Crowley, to set above hours.  5-0 vote.

Chairman explained the appointments of John Aiello and Paul Andruk needed to be revoted because of a mistake in the setting of the expiration of the term.  Both members terms would expire on 6/30/94.  Motion by Andrews, 2nd by Murdoch
5-0 vote.

Executive Secretary read his goals and objectives citing 11 of the same.  Board commented that they agreed.  Mrs. Murdoch very satisfied with reinstitution of Department Head meetings, Mr. Crowley commented positively on the idea of amending the Capital Improvement bylaw as did Mr. Haggerty.  Mr. Frisoli agreed to work with the Executive Secretary on both the budget tracing system as well as a central purchasing system.  Mr. Haggerty agreed to work with the Exec. Sec. in developing a productivity and evaluation bylaw for Wage and Personnel.  Mr. Andrews reserved comment and asked that the Board hold off two weeks prior to taking action and accepting the goals and objectives.  Since Mr. Crowley mentioned that he had several goals and objectives that he wished to address with the Board, Mr. Haggerty also asked other members to consider the Board of Selectmen;s goals and objectives and would deal with these issues at the next meeting.  

Exec. Secretary asked the Board to vote and sign the HVAC contract for maintenance at Town Hall with Prime Mechanical Co.  Chairman read the contract and answered questions by Board members.  Motion to accept by Murdoch, 2nd Frisoli.  Voted 4-1, Andrews opposed.

Mr. Andrews wished to see the minutes of the meeting which would substantiate the bill to Bernie Munroe for survey work on Snow Street.

Mr. Nugent presented the Board with a letter from Town Counsel regarding JBL Bus Lines.  Motion by Mrs. Murdoch, 2nd Mr. Andrews, 5=0 vote to grant the license to travel the roads in Hanson.  

Exec. Secretary read two letters from Building Inspector concerning demolition of Buildings, one at 12 Depot Street, and 43 Elm Street.  He stated he was seeking direction from the Board before taking further action.  Mr. Nugent explained that after a letter is sent from the Building Inspector giving the owners 30 days, at that point the Building Inspector feels the Town has an obligation to move forward, except there could be substantial costs involved in demolishing these buildings.  He is seeking direction from the Board.  Motion by Andrews, 2nd Crowley to send out the letters requesting demolition.  5-0.

Mr. Nugent also indicated that it had been brought to his attention that the Blue Spruce across from Town Hall could possibly be relocated in an effort to save the tree.  Mr. Nugent indicated that the Selectmen's secretary had contacted two different companies and received prices of 2500 from each - Huntley and Tomasi with no guarantee that after it was moved, the tree would survive.  Mr. Nugent also indicated that there was concern expressed as to how it would be watered with the water ban on.  The Board instructed Mr. Nugent they would like to save the tree and would like to seek alternatives for costs to relocate.  Also to indicate to the State to hold off taking the tree down until further notice.  

Miss Kuchinski asked the Board to contact the State with regard to installing silt fences near any water areas.  The Chairman indicated her request would be forwarded to Con. Com. who would be asked to contact the State.

Mr. Crowley asked for a few minutes of the Boards time to discuss a couple of issues.  He requested the Board contact the Whitman-Hanson Superintendent and express concerns for the move by Whitman to transport children within the two mile area out of the School budget.  He stated that Hanson has made a commitment to transport its children aside from the budget that it supports for education and he does not favor the funds coming out of the education side of the budget to subsidize busing.  Motion by Crowley, 2nd Murdoch to send a letter to the Superintendent outlining those concerns.  5-0 vote.

Mr. Crowley read a letter to Betty Dahlberg and presented her with information concerning her request for information on the 6/9/92 Selectmen's Meeting.  He felt strongly that the Dahlbergs had access to the same information the Board of Selectmen had and in citing a Chapter and Section of Public Records law Mr. Crowley indicated that certain information which he had possessed was not public information or public record and disagreed with the Dahlbergs opinion that it was.  Mr. Frisoli also stated that he had also responded to a letter from the Dahlbergs and had presented them with any written notes or letters that he had received in conjunction with his decision making process.  Both members stated that they had spoken with Attorney Shauna Cully of the Bureau of Public Records regarding this issue and felt comfortable with their positions.  Ms. Kuchinski submitted to the Board a letter requesting information and asking the Board to respond within ten days.  She also stated that she was seeking an update on information regarding the insurance on Thomas Hall.  It was explained that negotiations are ongoing and when further information becomes available, Mr. Andrews or Mrs. Murdoch would contact her.  

Mr. Crowley asked Mr. Andrews if he had received a letter concerning a request to move the bound at Snow Street.  Mr. Andrews stated was that a request from the Exec. Sec. to move the bound or the sub-committee.  Mr. Frisoli stated, it was a request from the sub-committee that Mr. Nugent send the letter.  Mr. Crowley and Mr. Frisoli stated their concerns that the bound in question is actually outside of Mr. Andrews property and within the layout of the roadway and even though only by a few inches it became a liability issue for the Town.  Mr. Andrews agreed to remove the bound if that was a request of the whole board and noting that moving the bound may create a disturbance for the surveyors mark.  Motion by Crowley, 2nd Frisoli asking Mr. Andrews to move the bound.  Board noted Mr. Andrews concerns.  4-0-1 vote, Mr. Andrews abstaining.  Mr. Andrews also requested that it be put in writing.  

Board voted to go into exec. session under #3, potential litigation and #4, deployment of security personnel.  Motion by Crowley , 2nd Frisoli, roll call vote.  5-0.

Motion to adjourn by Murdoch, 2nd Crowley, 5-0 vote.  11:20 p.m.

Joseph Frisoli, Clerk